Saturday, April 27th, 2013 AT 2:07 PM
Hi my alar and immobiliser light are stuck on right now how it happened went to work came home all was fine next day went to start the car the immobiliser light stayed on checked owners manual said electrical fault so disconnected the battery put on charge over night reconnected next morning light still and the car alarm went off for 30sec intervals then pressed unlock button six times interior sensors deactivated open bonnet alarm goes off again 30sec intervals did key fob again deactivated the bonnet sensor alarm light and immo light on solid on dash tried both fobs and sentry keys so I rang chrysler they said central locking shouldn't be working with remote nor should the electric boot nor electric side doors tried to get p codes today nothing comes up managed to none p codes by holding in trip reset button for 9 sec came up with 400.1 and 100.5 and six did again and came up with 100.5 and 400.1 please help or advise me on what to try or do next