You may need to visit the dealer for this. Given the history of working with the dash assembly, the typical cause is the ignition switch was turned on while the air bag was disconnected The Air Bag Computer would detect that, set the diagnostic fault code, and turn the warning light on to tell you. You can try removing the TWO air bag system fuses for a few minutes, but on most cars the fault codes in Air Bag Computers can not be erased that way. Codes can be erased in other computers by disconnecting the battery for a minute, but I hate to recommend doing that because a lot of computers now are designed to lock up or lose their programming when you do that, necessitating an expensive trip to the dealer.
The fuses will be in yellow handles making them easy to pull out. If the codes will not erase by pulling the fuses, you'll need to find a mechanic with a scanner that can access the Air Bag Computer to erase the codes. If there is o other problem, the warning light will turn off. If it comes back on, be sure to record the fault code number(s) so we can figure out what to look for next.
You can ask at some local auto parts stores too for help. The people at many of them will read fault codes for you for free, but most of the time they can only read codes in the Engine Computer, and most of the time they just have simple code readers. You usually need a full scanner to erase fault codes.
Saturday, August 27th, 2016 AT 10:21 PM