I apologize, but I hadn't attached any pictures yet. Fuse 23 powers a portion of the Body Control Module, which would make sense as to why you lost indicators and other functionality with this fuse removed. It shouldn't have anything to do with your blower motor running all the time. Fuse 17 does power the HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) module and control panel, so this definitely would cause the blower to turn off(see attached diagram). Your vehicle also uses a blower motor control module(which is powered by Fuse 11) to control the speed of the fan. This is most likely the cause of your issue. However, let's see if we can narrow a few things down first. Can you verify that pulling Fuse 17 by itself causes the blower motor to turn off?
Image (Click to make bigger)
Sunday, November 3rd, 2019 AT 7:36 PM