Hello, I own a 1999 Acura CL with a 2.3L engine and manual transmission. Last week, on the coldest night of the season, my engine shut off while making a left turn. I heard a swoosh sound like something slipped immediately before the shut down. Though I only warmed my car for about a minute, I've done this several times in the past and never had a problem. I tried starting the car, but to no avail. On Saturday, my brother and I began the process of problem shooting. We removed the spark plugs/distributor cap and determined my vehicle had spark. However, we noticed the rotor didn't move while turning the ignition key. We determined my vehicle had fuel: gas on the spark plugs, fuel movement through the break line and fuel injectors. In the past, I could hear the fuel pump engage when turning the key; however, this is no longer the case.
Could you provide some insight on what could be the problem?
Thank you,
Sunday, January 6th, 2008 AT 10:37 AM