Also, A/C does not blow cold air. Id at the A/C compressor and it doesn't even engage. I am thinking it might be the engine cooling fan module. But will the A/C compressor not engage if the engine cooling fan module is faulty? Can I please get a fuse diagram to any fuses or relays for the cooling fans? Please share any knowledge from similar cases related to this type of vehicle. Thank you and God bless.
There's enough coolant in the reservoir, and the water pump if working fine. But for sure the radiator fans are not turning on. I replaced the radiator fan on the passenger side about 2 years ago. So at least that one would have to be working. But neither of the two works. I can wait to hear back and see the relay/fuse diagram for the radiator cooling fans.
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Friday, September 23rd, 2022 AT 11:12 PM