I attached the procedure for replacing the turbo for you. Trust me, it is tight to get to everything. The first thing I would check is the turbo. Remove the inlet hose and look for signs of oil. You may have a failing turbo.
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1. Remove the turbocharger intake tube.
2. Disconnect the charge air cooler inlet pipe.
3. Remove the push pins.
4. Disconnect the two wiring harness push pins and position aside.
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5. Disconnect the turbocharger variable vane hydraulic control valve electrical connector.
6. Remove the bolts for the oil supply tube.
Remove and discard the gasket.
7. Remove the bolt and the wire retainer.
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8. Remove the marmon clamp from the turbocharger outlet.
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9. Remove the marmon clamp from the turbocharger inlet.
Early build
10. Using the special tool, remove the oil feed tube.
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11. NOTE: Turbocharger shown removed for clarity.
Remove the rear turbocharger mounting bolt.
Late build
12. Remove the bolt and turbocharger oil supply tube.
Remove and discard the O-ring.
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13. Remove the rear turbocharger mounting bolt.
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14. NOTE: Left side shown, right side similar.
Remove the front mounting bolts.
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15. Position the turbocharger and remove the turbocharger drain tube.
Remove and discard the drain tube O-rings.
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Thursday, December 31st, 2020 AT 9:51 AM