A lot of people hear the anti-lock brakes kick in and call that "grinding". Could that be what you're hearing?
"Does not stop properly" isn't helpful. What exactly are you observing? Pulling to one side? Tugging on the steering wheel? Pulsing brake pedal?
The overheating concerns me the most. Next time this happens, stop in neutral on a slight incline, release the brakes, then see if the car creeps downhill on its own. If it doesn't, place a block a few inches downhill of one tire, crawl underneath by that wheel, and open the bleeder screw on the caliper. If that allows the brake to release, next time loosen the steel lines at the master cylinder to see if the sticking brake releases. We're looking for the highest place where it releases so we can figure out where pressurized brake fluid is being trapped.
What was done related to the brake calipers during the recent service? Who did the work? Is there any chance the brake fluid was contaminated with a petroleum product? That includes oil residue on your fingertips when popping the rubber bladder seal back into the reservoir cap, using a funnel to fill brake fluid after it was used for transmission fluid, and using penetrating oil to loosen any part involved with brake fluid.
Friday, March 6th, 2015 AT 6:34 PM