Friday, September 30th, 2011 AT 3:13 AM
Idles great, stalls at idle when put into gear and given throttle to move. You can give it half throttle to keep it from stalling and get it to move. Have replaced tps, fuel pressure regulator, fuel filter, have a new ignition control module just dont want to install it unless I have to. Fuel pressure at key turn on (engine not started) has been 48 psi and 50 and 51 at different times fuel pressure at idle (engine running) is 48-51 psi. Pulling vacuum off of pressure regulator increases psi to 53-55. Adjusting throttle from idle to 2700 - 3300 rpm pressure dips to 44 then goes up to 53. Engine sounds healthy at idle and moving throttle by hand quick to respond. No codes in system anywhere. Battery voltage good. When changing fuel filter I noticed fuel looked like it had a silver sheen to it? Vacuum lines feel fine and tight.I cant hear any whistling while running. Anyone have any ideas? No misfire codes or erratic idle. Needs plugs but they are ok right now. This didnt happen when driving came home one night, parked it the next morning this started happening. Iac looks ok pintle moves and goes back, egr not clogged, sprayed down mass with correct cleaner. Cleaned throttle blade and plate. Just scratching my head :(