Recent work -- New Rug installed (Third Party). Car was dead lights left on jump started car now have issue. Only mechanical issue is occasional security issue that resets with leaving key on an 10 minutes and then trying.
New Problem -- Parasitic Drain.66 amps (Meter in series with negative terminal and lead)
Conditions - Doors are closed, all lights off, and all electrical equipment verified working with no alarms indicated.
Steps Taken
1. Pulled all fuses in Engine Compartment Fuse Box one at a time (relays also) - no change, . Pulled Right Side fuse box fuses one at time no change
2. Pulled Left side fuse box fuses one at a time
a. Both fuse F and L are pulled drop goes to.02 amps or less
b. F By Itself reads.54 amps
c. L By Itself.11 amps
3. Removed all three BCM connectors at one time made no change.
4. Checked all connectors in HVAC console and in center console and no changes noted and no signs of damage
Amp Readings start higher and then steadies out in a few seconds
Trunk has randomly opened (its an auto feature on key ring and door)
Sunday, February 23rd, 2014 AT 11:07 AM