Does your Navigator have a sunroof? If yes, that is almost guaranteed to be where the leak is coming from. It is the result of a blocked or damaged drain tube. The drains run from the corners of the sunroof tray down the A and C pillars to drain out on the ground. They are the small bent items shown at the corners of the image attached. They get dirt, pine needles, bugs and more in them and can plug up. Then the water that gets in starts to spill out of the tray and runs to a convenient low spot and out into the roof pillars.
It's a very common problem with sunroofs because none of them are actually sealed to the roof.
Cleaning them can be a chore because of the way they run on that vehicle. The easiest way I have found is to locate the outlets of the drain tubes underneath the vehicle. Then use weed eater string to run up through them and clear out the blockages. There are people who use air for this and it does work, but you can easily push the lines off the tubes they connect to and now you end up removing the headliner to reattach them. The tubes can also crack or come off simply from age as well.
Look up Ford TSB 04-15-9 Moon-roof water leaks, for more information on the issue.
Now as far as getting the grab handle and trim panel off, the grab handle has two screws hidden under plugs on the ends of the handle, use a trim pick to remove the plugs and remove the screws, refer to second image. The trim panel itself snaps into place with clips. You pull it in toward the dash and up to release the lower hook and then down to release the upper clips.
To reach the drains without removing the headliner is possible by removing the A, B and C trim pillars and the door seal to let the headliner drop a bit, but it's a very tight gap to get into and the drains are about 8 inches in from the sides.
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Friday, December 6th, 2019 AT 7:18 PM