I have a 2003 Toyota Corolla with 65,000 miles on it. Last summer, I noticed that some days, I would get in my car and the AC would just blow hot air. But, then, the next day, it would blow cold air again. It did this on and off for a month or so. Then, I didn't have the issue for a long time. Two months ago, it did it again, so I finally brought it to a shop, but of course when they looked at it, it was blowing cold air. So, they said they checked for leaks and such and everything seemed fine. They went ahead and put more freon in (though they said I wasn't too low on it). It blew cold until last Friday and now the AC blows nothing but hot air.
I live in Florida and am a student so I want to get this fixed, but I can't spend $1000 to fix this issue. I know nothing about cars and I don't want to be taken advantage of when I go back to the shop and they tell me what has to be fixed. Can anybody give me any advice on things my husband and I could do to fix or check the car before I take it in?
Tuesday, May 24th, 2011 AT 3:58 PM