Help! I live in mexico. Have a 2003 CR-V w/63,000 miles. Bought it used in CA with 35K miles (in 2006); its done 6,000 miles from/to CA, and the balance here on some fairly rough roads, though no real off-roading stuff. Have occasional 'clunking' rt. Front end, especially in rough spots or when i'm turning sharply and at an incline or decline. I've been told I need new shocks. Does this sound right? The parts are expensive here, and not sure about trusting the dealer service guys and/or the mechanic from the dealer who moonlights and will do the work. I live up in the mountains and really want to be sure I have all safety stuff covered.
i need to pay for the parts SOON so would like feedback ASAP! Thanks a lot
Monday, February 7th, 2011 AT 5:15 PM