Torque the bearing cap bolts sequentially in two steps.
Install the thrust washers (A) on both edges of the No. 4 main bearing recess.
Apply engine oil to the threads of the connecting rod bolts.
Seat the rod journals into connecting rod No. 1 and connecting rod No. 4. Install the caps and nuts finger tight. Install the cap so the bearing recess is on the same side as the recess in the rod.
Rotate the crankshaft clockwise, and seat the journals into connecting rod No.2 and connecting rod No. 3. Install the connecting rod cap and bolts finger tight.
Tighten the connecting rod bolts to 32 Nm (3.3 kgf-m, 24 ft. Lbs. ).
Install the bearing cap bridge. Coat the bolt threads with engine oil.
Torque the bearing cap bolts sequentially in two steps. 1st step torque: 25 Nm (2.5 kgf-cm, 18 ft. Lbs.)
2nd step torque: 51 Nm (5.2 kgf-cm, 38 ft. Lbs.)
Check out the diagrams (Below). Please let us know if you need anything else to get the problem fixed.
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Thursday, December 15th, 2016 AT 9:08 AM