The two codes came in after a water pump replacement. Also, the belt tensioner and fan clutch. The engine runs good, idles smooth. The 2 ks sensors and wiring harness were replaced. Some water in sensor holes but not enough to short out connectors. The pcm connector reads 100 k ohms towards each sensor. I also replaced the pcm with a flash programmed used unit. The crankshaft variation po315 came in and I understand the need to re learn that. The po327 & po332 continued to return? Put the original pcm back in.
Between each step the codes were erased and returned right on schedule with a few drive cycles. I am not hearing any audible 'knock' that might bring the codes in. I am looking for any suggestions that might help to clear this problem.
Thursday, July 30th, 2015 AT 2:06 PM