Start by checking for trouble codes.
Begin the system diagnosis with Diagnostic System Check - Instrument Cluster, Diagnostic System Check - Driver Information Systems or Diagnostic System Check - Audible Warnings. The Diagnostic System Check will provide the following information:
� The identification of the control module(s) which command the system
� The ability of the control module(s) to communicate through the serial data circuit
� The identification of any stored diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) and their status
The use of the Diagnostic System Check will identify the correct procedure for diagnosing the system and where the procedure is located.
Begin the audible warning system diagnosis by reviewing the system operation. Reviewing the operation information will help you determine the correct symptom diagnostic procedure when an audible warning malfunction exists. Reviewing the operation information will also help you determine if the condition described by the customer is normal operation. Refer to Symptoms - Instrument Panel, Gages & Console in order to identify the correct procedure for diagnosing the audible warning system and where the procedure is located.
Test Description
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the diagnostic table.
2) Lack of communication may be due to a partial malfunction of the class 2 serial data circuit or due to a total malfunction of the class 2 serial data circuit. The specified procedure will determine the particular condition.
4) The symptom list in Symptoms will determine the correct diagnostic procedure to use.
5) The presence of DTCs which begin with "U" indicate some other module is not communicating. The specified procedure will compile all the available information before tests are performed.
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Friday, December 31st, 2010 AT 3:58 PM