Car stalls

  • 2001 MAZDA MIATA
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 72 MILES
My 2001 mazda miata stalls. After a five-minute wait, it starts up again, and will probably stall before I get home.

should I replace the fuel filter?
Friday, April 15th, 2011 AT 4:25 AM

1 Reply

  • 75,992 POSTS
Next time it refuses to start don't wait for it to make up its mind-do below immediately to determine if its fuel or spark problem

Get a helper disconnect a sparkplug wire or 2 and ground it to the engine atleast 3/16 away from ground-have helper crank engine over-do you have a snapping blue spark? If so-you have a fuel related problem, Do you hear the fuel pump come On when you turn key on? If not check fuel pump fuse and fuel pump relay if okay-check the fuel pressure to rule out the fuel filter/fuel pump/pressure regulator and listen to the injector/s are they pulsing or hook up a noid light. No snapping blue spark continue to troubleshoot the ignition system-power input to the coil/coil packs, coil's resistances, cap and rotor, distributor pick-up coil, ignition control module, cam and crank sensors and computer Note: If it doesn't apply disregard it and keep testing
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Friday, April 15th, 2011 AT 3:31 PM

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