Clutch fluid replacement Fuel Injection System cleaning rear brake adjustment

  • 2001 ACURA EL
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 120,000 MILES
This is a model that was not sold in the U.S. So I hope you can still answer my question. I recently took my car in for a standard check-up at the dealership (it goes in regularly about twice a year) and was told that it needed 1) Clutch fluid replacement 2) Fuel Injection System cleaning 3) rear brake adjustment After looking over my repair records I agreed to have them do these repairs. But they also took it for the test drive and have diagnosed that it needs a bearing replacement in the transmission. They said they heard a noise that indicated this. They also recommended that I replace my clutch at the same time, if I haven't done this recently, as it would save some labor costs. I had told them that I had been noticing it was hard to gear into 1st sometimes, even while in motion, but they said that it wasn't related to the bearing needing replacement. My question is this. Does this sound legitimate and should I be able to hear the noise that they are referring too? Should I get a second opinion? Any advice you can give me would be appreciated. Thank you, Sarah(follow up): Thank you, I should have asked more before having them do the work. I won't fall for that again. I am going to get another estimate and see what I can work out. If you read this again, one more question. I am leaving the country for four months in January and the car will be off the road for that time. Do you think I need to get this fixed right away, or could I wait until I am back from my trip? I would only be driving to and from work in the city until then.
Thursday, October 7th, 2010 AT 6:37 PM

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  • 4,540 POSTS
Sarah, I wish I could somehow relate to everyone the right way to do things. For instance, I have owned Hondas for a number of years and I never replace the clutch fluid. The same fluid runs the brakes and clutch and though they are different systems with separate fluid reservoirs, the need to replace is just a trick job. I would like to be able to educate owners to tell the dealers when to take a hike. Now about your current problem. The bearing that they are hearing is in the transmission but I would bet that it is not the transmission itself but rather the throughout bearing. The bearing causes the clutch to engage when you push the clutch pedal. When it gets bad they get noisy and the worst gear to change is first. Maybe you have noticed that it is possible to shift a moving car through the gears without touching the clutch. I would not recommend doing it as a regular way of shifting but it is easy to do by letting off the accelerator and gently but firmly doing the shift. Now I am going to suggest that the second opinion at a good shop but not a Honda dealership is a fair step. Explain the problem and your belief it might be the throughout bearing. Have the clutch replaced as well. They are right about that but what they failed to tell you is that the clutch comes with the throughout bearing. My girls, I have three, know about cars and are not going to be taken to the cleaners by a mechanic as I have forced them to understand what it is they drive. Good luck. This forum is for you to help you be a better car owner and to make sure that the dealerships and mechanics just do their job and don't remove any more money from your pocket than is necessary. (Follow up): It could wait. Sadly the town driving is the most shifting. It shouldn't really get any worse and though I believe the throwout bearing is your problem it should be fine for a while yet. Have fun on your trip! By the way, if you are planning to park the car somewhere, I would suggest that you disconnect the battery cable, positive, as they are drawn on by the security system if there is one, the clock and the radio, etc.
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Thursday, October 7th, 2010 AT 6:59 PM

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