A proper diagnosis for low heater temperature takes time which translates into dollars for you. To save you money most mechanics will just do the two things you listed first because those are responsible for the symptom about 99 percent of the time. Once those don't solve the problem, that's when they have no choice but to dig further. They made an attempt to save you money but your vehicle didn't cooperate. Ford has had a pile of trouble with their electric actuator motors. Some of them are hard to get to and people have been known to cut access holes in the inner dash assembly to get to them.
Besides the actuator motor there may be a water control valve under the hood. Usually they leak but it should also be checked to be sure it's opening fully. If it's not, the clue would be the radiator hose is too hot to hold onto for very long but the heater hoses are much cooler.
Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 AT 11:51 AM