Anyways, My neighbors Odyssey has got 106xxx Miles on it, and it just stalls out of nowhere. It has happened once before, just 2 weeks ago, now it just happened today, TWICE in 2 HOURS. Everything in the speedometer area shuts down, but the headlight lights work(When manually switched on). I've heard the Ign. Switch is faulty on these things, but some places tell that other things can be the issue. So the main thing is that the first time this happened, He was able to fire it right back up. Now he had to wait at least over 1 minute. He tried starting it right after it stalled, but it would just start and stall right after like 3-5 times.(Stalled-->Put to Neutral-->Fire it-->nope-->A minute after --> fire it--> YES!)
So NO Trouble Codes or anything.
I tried making this question as simple as I could. I appreciate everybody's help. Thanks in advance. Also, according to the neighbor, the spark plugs have never been changes since he bought it, 54xxx miles ago or 8 years ago( not so great)
Saturday, January 15th, 2011 AT 2:26 AM