Monday, October 28th, 2013 AT 4:56 PM
My 99 cadillac deville throw coolant throw reservoir causing it to overheat. Headgasket just replaced rayd just replaced both fans work. No smoke out of the mufflers. Flushed my rad I can't seem to find the problem. What should I try next? I'm thinking of changing the water pump. What do you think? Gdjur gnvthvdrh hffvnurhji fgjhe gjetj gjfrh gjftu thhdgjjuy yjbfegh hftgvb itgduvd hdhju fhvsf jdvjtdc jfdvvjyf ghngdhmd hgfgyyv jgv flu fjyc shut fvjr gbdf fvjr gbgt god jhfgj ghfff hjdfe jhdvur jfegiy hfghcf fbjtd fvdg ggthv ghgf ghju hgef huh ghgf hfdvjy hdbt hyfb ugh that ghgf ygbhfv her her egg. Off. Kutfdrd hgef hhgtff yttfrf gfthhjgf hgttt ghhv gggtt tic cyrrf gbgt gtrrrr juryhhttff hgttt hhhgr mmid mfhd age hrs hffg fghj frerj hffff. Hjdfe g of govt hgfgvvhtt.