1. Disconnect� negative� battery� cable.� Remove� exhaust� side� spark� plugs.� Rotate� crankshaft� clockwise� so� No.� 1� piston� is� at� TDC� of� compression� stroke.
2. Remove� fan� shroud.� Loosen� fan� clutch to pulley� bolts.� Remove� accessory� drive� belt.� Remove� fan� clutch� and� pulley.� Remove� crankshaft� center� bolt, � and� remove� crankshaft� pulley.
3. Using� recycling� equipment, � recover� refrigerant� from� air� conditioning� system� (if� equipped).� Disconnect� A/C� clutch� connector� from� A/C� clutch.� Remove� A/C� compressor� from� mounting� bracket.� Remove� A/C
compressor� mounting� bracket� with� hoses� attached, � and� position� out� of� way.
4. Remove� timing� belt� outer� cover� retaining� bolt.� Release� 7� cover� interlocking� tabs.� Remove� timing� belt� cover.� Ensure� crankshaft� and� camshaft� timing� marks� are� aligned.� See Fig.� 1.
5. Holding� timing� belt� tensioner� with� Camshaft� Belt� Tension� Adjuster� (T74P 6254 A)� or� equivalent, � loosen� adjusting� bolt� and� slowly� release� tension.� See Fig.� 2.� Pry� tensioner� away� from� timing� belt, � and� tighten� bolt
to� hold� tensioner� in� place.
6. If� reusing� old� timing� belt, � mark� belt� with� arrow� to� indicate� direction� of� rotation.� Remove� timing� belt.
Note this is for a 2.5L engine
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Sunday, January 13th, 2013 AT 7:11 PM