Wednesday, August 21st, 2013 AT 10:18 AM
My jeep keeps stalling on me, I keep getting engine codes that say bad ignition coil and catalyst system below thresh hold bank. I keep replacing the ignition coil and catalytic converter but the vehicle still stalls out when driving and idling. I've also replaced. Plugs and wires, map sensor, both 02 sensors, cam position sensor, cap and rotor, checked and replaced multiple dry rot hoses. I've had it t two different mechanics and a jeep dealer and no one can seem to figure out my problem? My next attempt was going to be to change the EVAP canister, does this sound like it could be my issue? I am at wits end with this vehicle, its an awesome jeep except for this one issue and when it runs good it runs awesome. Both mechanics and the jeep dealer I had it to did compression tests, fuel pressure tests, checked to see if the fuel pump was working properly everything comes back good. Why am I having this problem? HELP. PLEASE. Also at times there is a faint smell of gas and I think I heard the evap canister ticking once