1996 Chevrolet Cavalier Possible Transmission/Power system issue

  • 2.2L
  • 4 CYL
  • FWD
  • 110,000 MILES
I have a 1996 Chevy Cavalier. Today I was at the bank and my car was in park. When I finished my business and shifted to drive, I noticed there was no gear change you can usually feel and hear. When I let my foot off the break it started rolling backwards, so I stepped on the break and shifted back into park, again no noise or feeling from the gear shift. I then tried again in drive, but there was no noise and feeling with the shift in gear, it's like it wasn't attached to anything. The thing is, the gear never shifted out of reverse even when I moved it to park, but I turned off my engine anyways. When I tried to restart the car, nothing happened. All my gauges lit up, but there was no beeping sound like normal and when I turned the key there was nothing. No sound of the engine turning over or a click. I don't know if because the engine can't turn over, but I have no power steering and when I press down on the brakes, it's as if there is something preventing me from pressing down. It is also stuck in neutral. I can press down on the brakes when the engine is off and I can move my shifter freely without any resistance or change in gears as if it is attached to nothing. I did notice some fluid on the ground in the front right of the car underneath the hood, but it was maybe a half of a cup of liquid. I've never had an issue before, but I'm not sure what's wrong. Please help.
Saturday, April 4th, 2015 AT 2:42 PM

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  • 30,869 POSTS
Without it running you have no power steering or brakes That's why the brake pedal is hard to push and steering is hard to turn. So you have no power when turning the key on?Your alternator may have failed causing the no gears and the no power when turning the key on.
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Saturday, April 4th, 2015 AT 3:18 PM

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