A code P0102 may mean that one or more of the following has happened:
* The MAF may be disconnected, or a wiring connection may be bad
* The MAF may be dirty or otherwise contaminated (Note: if you use a reusable oiled air filter, be careful not to apply too much oil or that can contaminate the MAF).
* The MAF sensor may be faulty
* The vehicle computer may be faulty (very rare)
Possible Solutions
The simplest thing to do is to reset the code and see if it comes back. Then start with the cheapest, easiest repair procedures:
* Verify that the Mass Air Flow Sensor wiring is connected properly and that there are no broken / frayed wires.
* Inspect for any air leaks near the MAF sensor.
* Take the MAF out and clean it using a spray cleaner such as brake cleaner or electrical contact cleaner. Be gentle with the sensor.
* Check the voltage of the MAF sensor (refer to a repair manual for vehicle specific information)
* Replace the MAF sensor.
A code P0300 may mean that one or more of the following has happened:
* Faulty spark plugs or wires
* Faulty coil (pack)
* Faulty oxygen sensor(s)
* Faulty fuel injector(s)
* Burned exhaust valve
* Faulty catalytic converter(s)
* Stuck/blocked EGR valve / passages
* Faulty camshaft position sensor
* Defective computer
Possible Solutions
If there are no symptoms, the simplest thing to do is to reset the code and see if it comes back.
If there are symptoms such as the engine is stumbling or hesitating, check all wiring and connectors that lead to the cylinders (i.E. Spark plugs). Depending on how long the ignition components have been in the car, it may be a good idea to replace them as part of your regular maintenance schedule. I would suggest spark plugs, spark plug wires, distributor cap, and rotor (if applicable). Otherwise, check the coils (a.K.A. Coil packs). In some cases, the catalytic converter has gone bad. If you smell rotten eggs in the exhaust, your cat converter needs to be replaced. I've also heard in other cases the problems were faulty fuel injectors.
Random misfires that jump around from one cylinder to another (read: P030x codes) also will set a P0300 code. The underlying cause is often a lean fuel condition, which may be due to a vacuum leak in the intake manifold or unmetered air getting past the airflow sensor, or an EGR valve that is stuck open.
A code P0441 could mean one or more of the following has happened:
* Bad vacuum switch
* Broken or damaged EVAP line or canister
* Open in PCM purge command circuit
* Open or short in Voltage feed circuit to Purge Solenoid
* Faulty purge solenoid
* Restriction in EVAP solenoid, line or canister
* Corrosion or resistance in purge connector
* Bad PCM
Possible Solutions
With a P0441 OBD-II trouble code, diagnosis can be tricky at times. Here are some things to try:
* Common Chrysler fix - Replace Leak Detection Pump / LDP
* Repair damaged EVAP lines or canister
* Repair open or short in voltage feed circuit to Purge Solenoid
* Repair open in PCM purge command circuit
* Replace purge Solenoid
* Replace vacuum switch
* Repair restriction in Evap line or canister or soleniod
* Repair resistance in purge connector
* Replace PCM
Saturday, February 5th, 2011 AT 11:20 PM