Alrighty Feller
Lets look for a Vacuum Leak 1st!
Several ways. We'll start with the safest!
1st--the engine will be running--BE CAREFUL AROUND MOVING PARTS!
Physically look for the leak. We are looking for a "Disconnected Hose". Cracked/broken/split on a hose or on a hose fitting.A Vacuum Operated "appliance" which may be internally messed up or cracked/broken/split
Generally it will sorta be a hissing sound (your throttle body makes this sound, and THAT IS NORMAL, we're looking for it somewhere else), and running your fingers down the items listed above will CHANGE THE SOUND when you get to the source of the problem
If there is too much racket to pin point it. Try a 3 foot long piece of Heater hose. One end crammed in your ear, Use the other end like a "STETHOSCOPE". The cool thing about this is, you can "PROBE" in/ around/ under stuff and this will really pinpoint the sound.
There is one other method, it is a bit more "RADICAL", I will not discuss it until these measures do not work
Reply with good news!
The Medic
Sunday, December 19th, 2010 AT 2:28 PM