Saturday, November 3rd, 2012 AT 3:10 AM
I get a trouble code 81. Shift solenoid 2-3 open or short in circuit. Here is what has been done. My truck went in to limp mode. Disconnecting battery resets it and I works fine, but never goes past 3 days and it goes in to limp mode again. I took my truck to a transmission shop. My bell housing was broken. I replaced the transmission with a used one. I replaced the internal wire harness and 1-2 and 2-3 shift solenoid. Problem was no resolved. After a few days it went into limp mode trouble code 81. My truck used to turn right on with a few turns of the engine /few cranks. Now it takes several cranks before it starts. What I did notice is that its at start up that my transmission goes straight into limp mode. Disconnecting the battery resets it and once again it works for a few days. In some cases just for a day. I did replace the ECM and the issue continues same trouble code 81. I am thinking it has something to do with engine timing, engine ignition coil, maybe even the ignition spark module or even fuel delivery issue. This is based on the fact that it is going in to limp mode while starting the truck and not while driving. I have invested $700 in this truck and realy dont want spend any more with out being certain the exact issue. Based on my information what can it be that is causing my issue and what troubleshooting steps do I need to take to solve this problem.