Friday, July 29th, 2011 AT 8:57 PM
When I first purchased the explorer in 2011 of this year I had to put a new fuel pump put on. Then the headlight fell out on the top right. The back left light cover has a hole in it that someone has covered up before me and the bulb blows a lot. Since then I had to put brakes on it several times. I had to put calipers on the front rigyt and left because one had locked up. Also just recently in the last two weeks my fuse under the hood for the power windows. It also operates the power seats. It is a 30 amp maxi fuse. I have bought several and it blows everytime. The main problem now is it will not go out of park. It is like it is stuck. I have tried turning the switch and not cranking it and putting it in neutral and cranking it and putting it in the gears but it will not move at all period. Any information you could give me on what this could be would be greatly appreciated.