Tuesday, July 7th, 2015 AT 5:28 AM
Having issues with my Ranger. I took it into a shop about 2 months ago to have some trans work done, well it ran fine when I dropped it off. It sat for two months before I could get it out, had some family issues, when I picked it up, it started but as soon as I went to leave it jerked and stalled. Shot some starting fluid in and fired up, I made it less than two miles and it died again at a light. Pushed it in parking lot, changed plugs and wires, air filter, pcv, vacuum hose from the canister on wheel well to solenoid. It now will idle somewhat normal just above 500RPM, I can run it up and down the driveway ok (about 8ft) but as soon as I go to get on the road and take off, it bogs way down, RPMs drop to maybe 300 and it shakes I give it some gas, and sometimes I can keep her running, but usually it dies and wont start, I did try this lastnight, where after it stalled out I turned key on and off a couple times to kinda prime it, and it hesitated but it did start, rough, but it started. I am quite irritated that it ran fine when I took it into the shop, and now after sitting for less thn two months I have this issue. I bought a fuel filter that I am going to attempt to put on it as it cant hurt either way, Do you think this is the issue? Or did something else happen while sitting? Any suggestions what to check? I am not sure of the miles it only shows 37, xxx so I dont know if it is 137k or 237k judging by the age I am guessing 237k.