Check engine light?

  • 118,942 MILES
My Buick century has a very bad exhaust leak before my catylitic converter an I thinks it's causing my check engine light to go on. It goes on every now an then and when it does the car hesitates an sputters. Can my exhaust cause this? It's getting fixed soon but I wanted to know for sure what's causing it. Autozone gave me a funny looking key an said I plug it in under my dash and a light will blink so many times indicating the code. My questions tho is where does this key go. No one can seem to help me even the employes who gave it to me don't kno how to do it. Any suggestions? Much appreciated
Thursday, February 16th, 2012 AT 10:40 PM

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  • 2,204 POSTS
Hi lol well it has to go somewhere. The system you have is a pre obd system there is a plug under the dash under the coloumn or even over in the middle it is a black plastic plug you put this tool they gave you in the last two terminals this will cause the check eng light to flash. It will flash a code as in two quick flashes and pause 3 quick flashes would be code 23 this will tell you what is causing the light to come on.

Asfar as can your exhaust leaking cause a check eng light possibly the oxygen sensor has sensed a wrong reading from the exhaust. But most likely these two problems will not be related. Good luck. Billymac
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Thursday, February 16th, 2012 AT 10:56 PM

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