I have a 929 Madza 1992 year. Does not blow any heat. I noted that the 30 amp fusible link for the heater was busted. Replaced it but still no heat. A bust fuse means an electrical overload somewhere, what do I need to look at to ID my problem?
I have change a little heat filament up in side the blower and I have changed the heater control unit on the dashboard.
My suspect the heater core but I need some help before I full this care apart.
Saturday, December 11th, 2010 AT 6:01 PM
1 Reply
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Heater fuse does not mean heater blower. It could mean the rear defroster.
Is the blower motor fan working? You are getting air but not heated?
Have you checked the temperature of heater hoses in engine compartment? It could be a clogged heater core that can be cleared by back flushing.
Have you checked the air mix actuator?