Upper hose on 1991 Honda Accord

  • 4 CYL
  • FWD
  • 175,000 MILES
I have a 1991 honda accord se. The car started running hot today. I got home popped the hood. Started the car. Once I turned the car off. I pinched the upper hose and noticed that there was water coming from the upper hose. How do I change a upper hose?
Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 AT 12:04 AM

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  • 33,965 POSTS
Where was the coolant leaking from? If it was sneaking out from the end of the hose, the hose clamps might just need to be tightened. If the leak is in the middle, replace the hose when the engine has cooled down. Some hose clamps are loosened with a screwdriver or a socket and ratchet. Some are spring-metal clamps that you squeeze with a pliers to expand them, then slide them a few inches along the hose. That will let you twist and pull on the hose to remove it from the radiator and the engine. Buy the new hose first to be sure it's the right one. In a few applications the hose will be too long on one end so it can be used with different engines. There will be a line showing where to cut it if necessary. Slide the new hose on with the clamps already installed, then slide them up close to the end and tighten them. Add enough water and antifreeze mix to fill the radiator and new hose.
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Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 AT 12:24 AM

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