The first thing to check is the Ignition Points inside the Distributor (under the cap & rotor). If the points do not open correctly, then
your Ignition Timing is not correct and the Ignition Coil is not able to produce a spark that is "hot" enough to ignite the air/ fuel
mixture across the the spark plug.
The "temperature sensor" is located at the left side of the engine by the #4 spark plug. It is a threaded metal piece the size of a
dime (13mm wrench fitting) with a single black wire coming out of it. Make sure that this sensor is tight in its seat.
When they go bad they can cause driveability issues.
Make sure the rubber air hoses are connected to the air flow meter & at the throttle body (top of engine) correctly, with no air gaps
any where along the line.
Saturday, October 27th, 2012 AT 8:13 PM