BMW 720i rear bumper removal

  • 1977 BMW
I need to take the rear bumper off of a BMW 720i. I'm not sure how to go about this and need some guidance. It will have to go back on, so I can't just break it off and that's not a good idea anyway. I'm sorry but I don't know the year so I just put 1977 because it was the year the E23 series came out (the car doesn't look that old). If you need pictures there are a couple at CarDatabase. Net, but these aren't very helpful to me. According to chacha. Com the mileage is 15mpg city and 22 mpg highway. I can go look at the owner's manual again on Monday, but it is in German. I will try to provide any more information you may need on this car, but some of it might have to wait until Monday.
Friday, September 21st, 2012 AT 3:30 PM

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  • 48,601 POSTS
Your best bet here is go to the library and see ifyou can find a haynes manual. They MIGHT go into there but don't count on it. Normally it's just an unbolt/bolt thing and is ok unless it's plastic and then you have to deal with plastic parts that may be broken underneath and whether you can get teh replacement ones or not.
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Friday, September 21st, 2012 AT 5:53 PM

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