Thursday, October 10th, 2024 AT 6:27 PM
The battery goes dead when shut down after a few hours. Traced the problem to a circuit for heated seats it doesn't have. Removed the fuse and stopped the bleeding. The circuit is hot leading up to the fuse but doesn't make sense. Why keep the circuit for heated seats live all the time? It would drain the battery pretty quick if you forgot to turn them off when the car was shut down. When testing the circuit with a voltmeter, the voltage is all over the place, like hot one moment, then not the next. From the schematics I can find, the circuit is fed by the 80A Op fuse/circuit from the fuse box under the hood that also appears hot. So, I might have 2 problems. One is I am getting juice on the load side of the 80A Op circuit to the fuse box in the cabin that should be dead. And two, power is shorting out somewhere on the load side of the power heated seat circuit where there should be no wiring, or perhaps wiring that is present, but not connected to anything. Does anyone have experience with this issue? I kind of know what I need to do next, but I really don't want to get into trying to trace and rip apart that wiring if someone has dealt with this before on the Honda Civics.