I was replacing my serpentine belt because of a horrible squeal that came about very slowly over the span of a few months.
When I was replacing the belt I noticed that the belt was not tracking correctly. The belt rubs against my engine block between the CS and fan pulleys.
It does this because it looks like it is sliding off the back of the "fan pulley". I put that in quotes because I dont know what its called. And apperantly neither does anyone else.
I assumed that this was happening because the pulley which is connected to the fan is being worn and is angled toward the engine block.
When I called around, nobody could find a replacement pulley for me. My repair manual calls this pulley a "fan bearing hub." Still nobody can find it for me.
Also, could I be wrong? Is there a way to adjust the tracking of these parts? Anything helps.
Monday, July 30th, 2007 AT 11:04 PM