Remove spark plugs. Place cylinder No. 1 on TDC. Align timing marks on crankshaft and intermediate shaft sprockets. See Fig. 3 . Rotate camshaft sprocket until 2 marked arrows on sprocket hub align with camshaft bearing cap-to-cylinder head parting line. Small hole in camshaft sprocket must be at 12 o'clock relative to cylinder head line. See Fig. 4 .
Install timing belt. Ensure timing belt is installed in original direction of rotation. Install Timing Belt Tensioner (C-4703) horizontally on large hex of belt tensioner pulley. Loosen tensioner lock nut (if necessary) to reset belt tensioner to within a 15-degree axis of horizontal position of tool. See Fig. 2 . Tighten lock nut.
CAUTION:DO NOT rotate crankshaft counterclockwise. DO NOT rotate engine using camshaft or intermediate shaft sprocket bolts.
Rotate crankshaft clockwise 2 complete revolutions to TDC. Tighten tensioner retaining bolt to specification while holding belt tensioner wrench in position. See TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS . Check all timing marks for proper alignment. To complete installation, reverse removal procedure. Adjust drive belts to proper tension.
Fig. 3: Aligning Crankshaft, Intermediate Shaft & Camshaft Timing Marks

Fig. 4: Aligning Timing Marks

Spark Control Computer Basic Timing
5226575 12 deg BTDC
5226525 12 deg BTDC
MD116211 12 deg BTDC
Check out the images (Below). Please let us know if you need anything else to get the problem fixed.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Saturday, January 24th, 2009 AT 10:30 PM