Electrical problem (NO SH*T !)
Replace the cluster?
That's what GM wants you to do.
They won't admit they sold defective motors in their car gauages for years.
Mine did the same thing. Eventually, none of the gauages will work!
Mine didn't work while it was under warranty, took it in to the dealer and it happened to work that day so they wouldnt do anything to resolve the problem. Then AFTER it went OUT OF WARRANTY, it really went bad and they wouldnt fix it for free. So I drove it for over a year until I stumbled across someone on eBay who sells the updated stepper motors to fix this problem. Each gauage has the same motor behind it and it is a defective design. There is an updated model that you can replace yourself if you have any type of soldering skills (my 12 yr old took the dash apart, removed the cluster AND soldered in the new motors and they have been great for almost a year now!
THIS WILL COST ABOUT $50 and a few hours of your time. Not HUNDREDS like the STEALER wants you to pay!
BTW - I sent the defective motors back to the CEO at GM and got a nice phone call from someone in the executive office saying there was no official recall on them but thanks anyhow.
No wonder people buy FORIEGN CARS! I probably will next time!
Friday, April 4th, 2008 AT 6:38 PM